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Regular Monthly Meeting
September 24, 2012
Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire and Rescue

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Manna, Jossick, Burton and Nezvesky

Marshal’s present:  Halstead, Frampton and Clark

Opening Comments from Chairman Cragin
  • Next month’s meeting location will either be Newtown Hook and Ladder or Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire and Rescue because Chairman Cragin considered Botsford Fire and Rescue a hostile environment at this time.
  • Tonight’s nominations will take place for Civilian Commissioner.  Nominations for Vice Chairman and Chairman will also take place, but will remain open until next month’s meeting of October 15th.
  • Commissioners will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding civilian commissioner nominees.
Approval of Minutes:  
Commissioner Nezvesky asked why last month’s minutes included the statement that there will be no repeat of the July meeting disruptions by Botsford Fire and Rescue.  Cragin stated that during last month’s meeting, Commissioner Nezvesky repeatedly interrupted him as Chairman and Cragin had to raise his voice which is his limit for disruptions.

MOTION:  Burton moved that minutes of 8/27/12 be approved as presented.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

Correspondence to the Board:

Date:   9/8/12
From:   Pat Reilly
To:     Board of Fire Commissioners
Re:     Interest in filling the open Civilian Commissioner role

Date:   9/18/12
From:   Llodra
To:     BOFC
Re:     Road Acceptance:  Fallen Leaf Lane

Date:   9/24/12
From:   Halstead
To:     Cragin – BOFC
Re:     Newtown Deputy Fire Marshals’ Authorization

Date:   9/24/12
From:   Burton
To:     BOFC
Re:     2013-2014 Budget Timetable

Marshal’s report for the month of September:

There were 97 calls, 454 incidents, and 426 hours.
  • Employee evaluations
  • Blasting Complaint 66 Currituck
  • Toll Brother’s Pre-plan review
  • Several complaints due to blasting from Toll Brothers.  Doing 3 and 4 smaller blasts throughout the day.
  • Preplan review for 30-32 Lexington Gardens
  • Frampton had fire drills Adventure Center
  • Ober door inspections at schools
  • Hawleyville request for parts to fix dry hydrant
  • Sandy Hook hosting FT1
Committee Reports:

Budget – Burton reported:
  • All budgets received.
  • By November 30th budgets need to be submitted to finance director.  Decisions will be made on November 26th.
  • Letter from Tim Whalen at Highway Department – asked that the BOFC allocate $1300 from the BOFC budget to cover truck engine oil. This was approved.
Cragin, Burton, Tait and Llodra met to discuss the new thresholds the town will set for CIP projects for the coming five years.  Based on the Finance Board’s recommendations.  
  • Third tanker will be added back in for the year 2015-2016.
  • Top priority tanker is #229.  
  • Maureen Will to look at radio towers costs.
  • Possibly use some operational budget funds to cover CIP projects.
Truck – Manna reported:
  • #114 needed a battery and cable.  Investigating additional issues.
  • #51 needs a charger for the Thermal Imaging Camera.
  • #339 having an issue with dump valve switching.
  • Specs for FM#1 vehicle package went out to vendors. Should be back 10/2/12 for recommendation at next meeting.
Policies and Procedures – Jossick reported:
  • Jossick contacted the director at Corporate Health Care regarding EKG machine giving incorrect results.  The director said that doctors could be reading reports wrong as well.  Director looking into the matter.  Jossick will look into  how often physicals should take place.
Hydrant – Nezvesky reported:  
  • Hydrant on Marlin has a leak and is being repaired and checked continuously until it can be repaired.
More issues with other hydrants will be discussed with Halstead.
Purchasing Agent – Burton reported:

  • Fire Marshal Halstead will conduct hose testing on 10/23-25.  Departments to notify him of their requests.
  • Botsford gear spec will be investigated.
  • Chief Murphy, Commissioners Nezvesky and Descheneaux met with the Budget Committee to discuss purchasing air packs from left over monies from last year’s BOFC budget - this has been approved.
MOTION:  Descheneaux moved to approved $12,000 to purchase two air packs for the Dodgingtown Fire Department.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

NH&L Update (Manna) – Amaral property is no longer available for purchase as we cannot afford the entire piece of property.  NH&L is hoping to work out a deal with Dan Amaral.  Otherwise, a new location needs to be located.

Annual Dinner Meeting scheduled for October 22, 2012 at McGuire’s at 6 p.m.  Please advise Dave Jossick if you are attending.  

Nominations for Civilian Commissioner (10/12 to 10-15):
  • Burton nominated Lisa Goosman for another term.  
Seconded:  Manna

  • Nezvesky nominated Rob McCulloch for another term.
Seconded:  Jossick
Burton questioned McCulloch:  
  • Was he a member of the BOFC - yes
  • Was not nominated by NH&L for another term as fire commissioner - yes
  • Resigned from NH&L – yes
  • Burton feels that McCulloch is conspiring with the chief of Botsford to get a majority on the BOFC.  Some examples given were a department truck being taken to Milford against BOFC rules.  Burton feels the relationship will continue to the detriment of the BOFC.  
  • McCulloch questioned the running of the BOFC.
  • McCulloch address:  5 Bridge End Road, Sandy Hook, CT
Commissioner Manna comments:
  • Since McCulloch’s resignation derogatory comments have been made about NH&L since his resignation.  Manna feels there could a bias if McCulloch is nominated to the BOFC.  As well as resentment towards McCulloch if he is nominated to the Board.
Jossick comments:
  • Jossick never had issues with McCulloch and found him to be very helpful with assisting Jossick with his transition to the Board.
  • Jay Nezvesky nominated Pat Reilly as Civilian Commissioner.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Jossick questions to Reilly:
  • Does he an affiliation with Botsford? - No
Reilly would like to be involved again with the Fire services
Burton questions to Reilly:
  • How did he hear about opening?  Found out from an ex-member of Botsford Fire and Rescue fire department.
  • Reilly stated he would like to help out on the administrative side.
Nominations for Board Chairman term (October to October)

  • Lisa Goosman moved to nominate Cragin for another term.  Cragin did not accept nomination.
  • Manna moved to nominate Burton as Chairman of the BOFC.   Burton did not accept nomination.
  • Descheneaux moves to nominate Rob Manna as Chairman of the BOFC.
Seconded:  Burton
Manna accepts nomination at this time.

Cragin stated he has been chairman for 21 years.  The last 12 months have been the worst months during his tenure due to internal conflicts among local fire officials.  He doesn’t believe this atmosphere will change for years to come.

Nominations for Board Vice Chairman (October to October)

Burton moved to nominate Lisa Goosman as Vice Chairman.
Seconded:  Manna

There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed.

Public Participation:

Rob McCulloch mentioned that he has no affiliation with Botsford Fire and Rescue.  He is not conspiratorial with any department.  He only has good intentions for the BOFC.  He would like to be reinstated as a fire commissioner.

Mark DeWolfe of 1 Misty Vale, Newtown, CT, stated that the BOFC is charged with handling a $1M budget.  Selection of the Civilian Commissioner is one that comes with much integrity.  Feels the BOFC is at a crossroads.  The decisions made going forward must be made with the taxpayer in mind.

There being no further business a motion was made to adjourn at 8:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey